Imran Khans sacrifice comes from a simple and devastatingly clear premise.The Human Being is concerned with Empathy and Justice.The Animal Kingdom is concerned with Might is Right and Survival of the fittest.
To his credit Imran has put himself up for the crushingly responsible task of taking Pakistan back from the corrupt elites even though he is best placed to take up the luxuries and delights of being at the top crust of the top elites stripping the wealth of the nation to fund a lifestyle only the Royalty of centuries past could enjoy.
Whilst the elites have made Pakistan one of the most corrupt places on Earth , the poorer classes have put Pakistan at the top of the league of individuals who contribute to charity.Imran Khan has a plan to get the later to the top and bring the early promise of first generations Pakistanis , like himself , hope to mould a nation independent and being a role model , like it was to Malaysia and Singapore in the 50s and 60s , as to how a post-colonial society that can forebear the excesses of the ever-dependent Capitalist Powers.
His plan is to make the Judiciary genuinely independent ; the Police accountable to the Judiciary and the Civil Service answerable to the People they purport to serve.
All he needs from the diaspora is lip-service and a small commitment of about £10 per month so his party can build offices in every large institution in Pakistan , even now in all the campuses and educational institutions his party is by far the biggest grouping , out-numbering the pre-established feudal ridden parties.
His plan may seem grand , unattainable but then again , his prediction that Military Ruler Musharraf will be out of office in less than a year had the same incredulous ring about it.
Some , if not all , cynics will say if Zardari ever goes then Nawaz will come into the frame , leaving Imran ever-sidelined , and this was borne out in that more than half of the committee which welcome Imran Khan were also equally ecstatic in laying out the red-carpet to Benazir Bhutto , the Negroponte sponsored page 3 gall , when she rolled into Town.