Quality rockers with modern lifestyle lyrics and a love for innovative musical expression , never completely abandoning the guitar in a small enclosed venue , a mix that keeps giving.
Like Green Day the Smashing Pumpkins attract three kinds of fans.The first are the types who always bemoan the line-up of yesteryear was better , the second want less exploration of the musical themes of the songs and more "hits".The former are arseholes who think they own the band , the latter think the band are nothing more than a three dimensional jukebox , a glorified ipod.And the third , thats me , are happy to see the band perform what they see fits the situation and times best as long as they do not disrespect the audience and are wholly sincere in what they do.A band , at the end of the day must express themselves honestly.
I managed to weasel my way to the very front , into that magical zone where the pushing and shoving is going on all around , leaving us to stand in the tranquil eye of the force and enjoy a modern spiritual experience.
At first there was a very disconcerting sight i have never seen before , the lead singer sticking earplugs on before commencing with the concert.The mix did not seem to work as his voice for the first two songs did not rise at all.Silent miming , it was like being in a crowd for top of the pops.
By the third song it had all fallen into place , an immense song called Starla:
Throughout the concert there was a burly bouncertype roadcrew member looking like an overfed Taleban with Mona Lisa type eyes that seemed to bore right into me no matter if i even tried to hide my head behind someone else , those eyes were still there glaring at me.The vibe of his stare seemed to say " you bastard , just wait to the end of the gig im going to get you".
The encore had the popular song Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Still those Mona Lisa eyes were laser trained on me , saying " you bastard , i know what your all about , concert nearly over , im going to beat the shit out of you."
And below is a video of the actual concert , featuring the song Martha.
And so we return to the attitude of those who could not enjoy the night in its own right because the line-up was not what it was a decade and a half ago , or there was to much guitar playing and not enough parade of older "hits".The former are the worst kind of snobs - Underground music snobs.The latter have to accept the band are entitled to showcase new material and not become a insincere tribute band to the beck and call to an insular musical attitude whose very breaking and challenging was what made The Smashing Pumpkins the band they became in the first place.They do not have a spiritual appreciation of music , rather a commodified liking of it.
The next time i go to a Smashing Pumpkins concert i will know that i will enjoy every minute of it as i will have the right attitude before the first note is even struck.
At last i made my way out an obscure side door and ran all the way home , never looking back.