One remarkable , and most welcome , process during the Gaza offensive and War of annihilation by the Modern Weaponry of Israels western armed force that petered out when the spirit of the Gazans refused to be cowed was the rapid reaction in the alternative media to the events of late December and January 2009.In almost real time the world wide web was filled with stories , meticulous analysis,live feeds, as quick , if not faster than the established state propaganda sleek machines could belabour the public conscience with the usual hype about War on Terror , precision strikes, attacking military targets only and the usual hyperbole that passes for unbalanced reportage of the bombing of civilians and civil infrastucure ( electrical supply grids ; water pumps;food storage areas , not to mention centres run by the Catholic Church Charity Cavitas as well as UN food distribution centres and schools).
Right from the off the mainstream news sources carefully embedded in the Israeli IDF information locations , were miles behind in getting on the ground coverage from Al-Jazeera ( with news teams within Gaza itself) and especially the blogosphere both from within Gaza and from those linking to in-depth resources homed from the Lebanon War of 2006.
As the Israeli army were busy earning the epaulet "have failed in their military objectives" to replace the torn tattered reputation of the glorious 60s, so too did the Mainstream media have to deflect their editorial course to follow the blogosphere logic as it been clear the Human spirit would see off 21st century live ammunition.The fight in the media was not dissimilar to comparing the means of a 21st century Military machine competing with RPGs.The ability for independent internet sources to react quicker than the Mainstream media made a telling contribution.Suddenly even the BBC had to change the impartial relating of Israeli spokespeople pontificating ,as the civilian toll rose , every Hospital and School bombed brought Stability and Civilisation closer and closer , to showing images of the destruction of civilian life and homes.
For Israel the hurting defeat was not the Military one.The really sore one was the defeat of the Image of Israel in the media.They were beaten simply because the Palestinian got an ever small ;still marginal airing of their side of the story in a time of War.
Go to Gaza , Drink the Sea was one such rapid reaction , this time a artistic and cultural one written whilst the conflict was still ongoing.
For a brilliant review of the play go no further than this piercing piece by Eileen Fleming
My Pal noticed right away the set design using the imagery of Piles of shoes , Zionists has been quick out the traps trying to copyright this metaphor of suffering and Human Misery , as if to say the Palestinians have no right to use Shoes to convey their plight , as by doing so they are trying to equate Israeli Treatment to the crimes of the Nazis , which by the Zionist apologists warped logic is another unacceptable wanton example of Anti-Semitism.
The play is a powerful articulation of the tragedy suffered by the Palestinians , far more eloquent than political speeches of academic lectures could ever be.This is because it is a Simple Human Story told by Humans.
If you already sympathise with the suffering of the Palestinians it will re-invigorate one , if you have not encountered the issue , then this play will in the introduction that will bring you round.
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