The forthrightness of the makers and shakers of a system they clearly recognise as being unjust and repressive is quite shocking , it reminds me of the observation Solzhenitsyn made in the Gulag Archipelago about fairly intelligent and lucid individuals driven to do the most ghastly acts because of ideology.And there is no more a beguiling or tempting ideology than Full blown Capitalism.
Neo-Liberalism is self-critiqued by one of the participants as having brought about the establishment of Four goals 1) the deregulation of financial restrictions 2) the removal of all barriers to the flow of capital from one country to another 3) the circumventing of national policy to corporate global enterprise and 4) the systematic removal of trade barriers that could help local economies maximise local resources to provide vital services to the host population.
An eyeopening film that deserves all the awards and plaudits it receives.A Chilling reminder of a system that has got the world in its debt.
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