" The Culture of Hip Hop and Rap is at its most Powerful and yet its most tender in Slingshot HipHop" , This quote by Public Enemy rapper Chuck D just about sums up the eloquence and quality of not only Palestinian Rap but also this high calibre multi-international award winning film.
Palestinian rap is not to be confused with some of the US variety.The Palestinian version would never be calling a Woman a "bitch" nor making explicit physical references.The Palestinian rapper is a poet using the beat to speak for his People.A cross reference at the Palestinian rap concert will include an audience from 6 year old grandchildren to grandparents over 80.It is not in a flippant way many consider if Darwish was starting out on his poetic career today he would be heavily into making rap anthems for his People.Translators for the arabic lyrics into english are constantly taken aback by the depth and sophistication of the language used by rappers and readily approve of comparisons to the vast heritage of national and international poets of this region in the far and near past.
Below is a trailer for the film which records the story of Palestinian Rappers in present day Israel ( always referred to as 48s or the originals) and Gaza and the West bank.
One of the remarkable things is the plight and degradation of the Arabs in present day Israel , one can be forgiven for only noticing the repression of the People in the Occupied Territories without realising Arabs in Israel proper are a highly victimised and discriminated against long deprived community compared to their Jewish neighbours.
Below is the song "Who is the Terrorist" which exploded the popularity of rap throughout the Arab world.
And this is an interview with the group DAM ,giving an insight to the beginnings of the movement which has continued to snowball.
After the film we had a post-showing talk from the director and DAMs Suhell Nafar.The director told of the difficulties with the Israeli customs , including the vandalism and smashing of her equipment , resulting in her getting her Jewish friends to bring in stuff which she would then use before they would then smuggle out for her.Suhell also told of the craziness of the militarised Israeli mind , including tales of Israeli schoolteachers teaching kids with guns in their holsters.
One illuminating story was the reason she has not made a film about rappers both Israeli and Palestinian doing joint ventures across the boundaries.The reason is , she said , the number one selling Israeli rapper has song titles and and lyrics to the extent " Kill Arabs".
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