The Film version of Cormac McCarthys apocalyptic , though hopeful novel was always going to be a difficult and intriguing challenge.The real crux would be if the film is tempted to give a greater role to the woman ( mother) than the barely one sentence in the original novel.When Charlize Theron was slotted for the role things did not look too good at all on that front.But , in the end , the appearances of the woman are very well done in the form of Proust like flashbacks triggered by the odd object bringing back a flood of touching recollections of happier times.If anything the film gives a value added element to one aspect of the Book which appeared to be weak in the novel.namely that the Mother , a little like Ma Joad , would probably take the lead role in bringing the Family out of crisis and into safety physically and emotionally intact.
A very worthy film in which hope triumphs over the complete devastation brought on by artificial social engineering.
It is also a reminder , especially in these economic climate times, that the state and civilisation in general may not be up to the task of giving welfare from cradle to grave , if anything they may destroy more than they create , but the old fashioned values and institutions like the Family will always be there to pick up the pieces from collapsed civilisations.
Star Viggo Mortenson also runs a very progressive publishing and art project that promotes young social justice orientated writers publish relevant far reaching work that would struggle to surface in mainstream corporate publishing circles.
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