First things first , Germaine Greer can be best understood , and her vast experience imparted and listened too , when we realise she is not a feminist as such , she was in her time an advocate for sexual liberation , and later an inspiring passionate supporter of Human liberation ( including a keen supporter of aboriginal rights in her native Australia as well as a current Patron of the UK Palestine Solidarity Campaign.This means she was never a dogmatic ideologue , but rather a pragmatic loyal champion of genuine equality.
This is the 40th anniversary of the publication of The Female Eunuch.Germaine has , on and off , been involved in some or other anniversaries ( 10 years ; 15 years etc), she claims they seem to last about 3 years.
Germaine had a very deeply impactual and profound message for the Woman in the audience , a generation of which says she is very proud and regards as constituting the best generation of Woman in Human history.
Her talk asked so many questions it will take those in attendance the best part a couple of decades to correctly formulate them , yet alone begin to give telling answers.It was one of the most stimulating , yet humbling , experiences ive had.
Here Germaine gives the Winifred Mercier public lecture to a packed Gandhi Hall in Leeds , with special empathise on the role of Woman in Teaching.
A very telling message Germaine gave in the Glasgow talk was to pose to the audience if the rights of the last 40 years have been won by the efforts of Woman and their backers or have been GRANTED by the elite powers that be for their own agendas , namely , giving Woman the right to work when a large cheap workforce was required;giving Woman access to contraception when it was convenient for society to have less woman missing out on work ; giving woman the right to run for high office when corporate interests had the agenda bagged.And finally , what some imperceptive feminists regard as the supreme triumph , giving Woman a chance to have children , by artificial means , when Men do not want any responsibility for the care and support of Children and Mothers , in a sense they can have Children , but they are on their own.
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