Margaret Cho is loud;brass;out-spoken and (very)occasionally funny.
This does highlight the very important point the differential of freedom to say what you want and being politically empowered are massive gaps in US politics.Money and privatised lobby talks , the right to free speech comes a long long second , if anything , serving as an anger dissipation tool.Hence why things such as facebook are seen as revolutionary instruments in places like the Arab World , but in the West are get-off-your-chest whinger distractions which cover impotent stunts against the real power sources in the West.
Margaret has talent to be a real cutting advocate , but tonight she crossed the line from entertaining educator that makes the audience laugh and think deeply to brazen vanity queen exhibitionist and kept going.
She could do with taking up Nancy Frasers challenge to make minority rights into a mass poverty issue , rather than a self-defeating labelling and cultural issue which is blocking progress on many fronts from Feminism to Child Poverty which can only be addressed by taking all these challenges to the economic forum.
Here is Margaret discussing issues of Race:
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