Having seen some youtube clips from the US Tour he done a few months back i was expecting an acoustic concert with him on stage with a guitar and stool.
But i was most surprised and pleased when he come on with a full band , with backing singers to boot.
The first half of the concert had a very favourite song of mine called Barricades of Heaven.
In the second half an all time favourite of my Friend called Lives in the Balance raised the already high standards to near fever pitch , and thereafter he kept going.
Later we discussed a couple of Books by Nobel Prize Winning Novelist J.M.Coetzee , my pal really likes Disgrace , he was wondering who could possibly portray the lead character of the book in a film version that is being proposed as the character is a complete coont , then he found out the the actor playing him is John Malkovitch , and so his concerns that the film may not to justice to the Book were fully allayed.
My favourite Book by Coetzee is Slowman , it captures his real talent which is interpersonal relations between a small subset of characters.
I have just managed to resolve the Coetzee paradox pontificated in Diary of a Bad year by the time we came at the end of the Jackson Browne Concert. The reason is he takes the Zeno Paradox he mentions on page 94 of The Diary of a Bad Year , as Jackson was clattering the keys during the encore i realised Coetzees Zeno fires of the arrow in the wrong direction , thereafter everything is tainted , the mathematical formula , as it where, is wrong.He makes a fundamental wrong conclusion that all the "wrong" is part of the African psyche , and not the ultimate resulting endgame of the concept of the Modern State, which was a colonial project enhancing tool whose whole premise was to cause division;incohesion and eternal dependency of an External power.This means that any Nth point is not going to be identified because the trajectory is wrong from the very outset , and will always come out in mistaken conclusions which seek to find blame in the prime victim and not the architect of the original sin. Alas this false belief that the modern nation state is "the end of societal history" that can be exported en-masse to the whole non-western World has permeated both left and right alike , even though the West have only dug themselves out from perpetual wars when they created supra-nation state structures that became a region of rights rather than reasons for endless war. I dont know if Coetzee is a brilliant writer that is employing a double-irony , but he comes across as being an octave or two down in terms of perception from what you would expect from a later day Nobel Prize winner. Therefore when he blames "banditry" on the African mind , his verdict is misplaced , whereas as Theroux would , rightly ,blame it the "managerial State" for turning a once proud People into "Pissed off Peanut Farmers" reduced to highway banditry.
Anyway , when i related my Eureka moment to my pal he said " your right, Coetzee is a brilliant writer that is employing a double-irony".
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